First of
all, a very very big THANKX to you Donetta sifford at
for the award. It was really surprising to see my name on top of the
list!! And I am still so much in awe... :)
OK, so let’s
get started!!!!!
The rules-
- Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
- Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.
- Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.
- Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
- No tag backs.
Time to know
11 facts about me-
- I am a total romantic at heart! I ''love'' everything and anything that has even the slightest touch of ''love'' to it. (Of course sweetness, cuteness, simplicity, etc.etc... are the other important must haves!!)
- I am a big introvert and don't usually express myself verbally! My writing comes to my rescue at such times, adding to the miseries of all those who are not so fond of ''reading'' but still want me to speak up. (I have all my sympathies with you people...Seriously!!)
- The only thing in this world other than writing, with which I feel comfortable, would definitely be ''singing''. (Ok, my voice may not be that melodious...but still!)
- I live with my mom, dad and brother in India and I love them so so soooo much, though I haven't told them yet. (If you are thinking why? Read point 2.!!)
- I don't have a lot of friends but I know I can count on the few I have. They are the most adorable bunch of people I have met in my life. (That's the reason they are ''my friends''!!)
- Speed and heights scare me a lot and by 'lot', I really mean ''a lot''! (I can scream my lungs out, harming the eardrums of people around in such situations...Believe me!!)
- I have one supernatural wish that one day I’ll wake up at least 3inches taller than my current height. (I hope you know why I said ''supernatural''...Coz it really can't happen naturally now!!)
- I haven't traveled much but if given a chance; I would definitely like to visit Venice once! (And I am already saving for this dream vacation of mine!!)
- I am very emotional too. It’s really easy for anybody to make me cry. (Though am able to make sure that I tuck away in some corner, away from everyone during such moments!!) Sob...Sob...
- I really love getting surprises (Even if they have come as more of a shock to me most of the times!!) but I am really really bad in planning one.
- I simply hate to have bad hair days and would rather stick to my room than move around the house. (In fact, I would even accept the crown of "the laziest person in the world" on such days...Happily!!)
My answers
to Donetta’s questions-
- Do you have a favorite musician? - None in particular, but I almost love all the songs by Taylor swift.
- Do you have or want children? - Of course I love love love babies, but I guess I am too young to have any of my own.
- What is your favorite food? - Anything made of paneer or tofu.
- What is your favorite sport? - Am not so much into sports, but badminton is the only name striking my head at the moment.
- Name one person that inspires you. Why. - My inspiration would definitely be my mom, she is the most sorted and self-less person, I have ever come across.
- Do you own any pets? - No, I can't handle myself...How would I manage a pet!
- What is your favorite hobby? – Reading, writing, reading, writing..!!
- Do you speak more than one language? – Yup! Hindi and English...With equal ease.
- Favorite movie of all time and why. – A walk to remember...Anytime! (Did I not tell you am a totally romantic and emotional person?)
- If you could meet one person, celebrity or not, who would it be? Why? – It just has to be Ranbir Kapoor. I have the greatest crush on this Bollywood actor since eternity.
- What
do you see yourself doing in 5 years? - Enjoying the life of a famous poet and
Now, it’s my
- The craziest thing you ever did?
- Your most treasured possession?
- The one thing you wish you could change about yourself?
- Your first reaction on realizing that you have been nominated for the liebster award?
- Qualities of your dream man/woman?
- One movie which you can watch more than ten times?
- Your ambitions in life?
- Where would you rate yourself as a human being on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best) and why?
- That one moment you felt you couldn't ask for anything more in life?
- If not a writer, what else do you think you could be?
- The piece of work closest to your heart?
And the
nominees are-
I loved your answers!!! You are most welcomed for being nominated! I enjoy your blog very much.
ReplyDeleteThank you once again Donetta... :) I seriously feel honoured to receive this..specially from you..
Deletethank you for nominating me...i have no idea about the award and am still trying to understand it completely.
ReplyDeleteBut it feels nice to be appreciated.
Thank you for nominating me ;-). means a whole lot that someone enjoys my blog . Many many many many Thanks ;-)